I say this a lot. And I’m going to keep on saying it. I work with some bloody TALENTED photographers. So talented in fact that I’ve got to capitalise it. They come in all shapes and sizes, sexes and nationalities, yet their one common characteristic is being able to capture the most awesome and precious moments and capture them well.
They are story-tellers, spies, journalists and often, invisible men and women who see things that others don’t and they pre-empt things before others do. Nowadays, everyone with a camera (or i-pad, or phone) thinks they can take a photo, but there really is a lot of difference between taking a photo and capturing a moment, and of course, capturing it so that it ticks all of the photography boxes, as well!
And so, because I am around so many of these visual geniuses a lot, I thought I’d share with you all some of my favourite images that I just absolutely bloody well love and can’t get enough of. Some I’ve featured for the story-telling, others for the artistry and most for both! Some are funny, some are poignant and some aren’t even of people at all! And as I said, they are my favourites, which might not even be some of the photographers’ favourites, but they are ones which I find really powerful, special and simply beautiful.
And don’t worry, many of these images have featured or will be featuring in my real weddings section very shortly, in case these ones make you hungry for more!
So let’s get started…
This photo by Agata Jensen is simply awesome. Don’t you just love the way that you know how stunning the bride looks because of everyone’s facial expressions and not because you can actually see how the bride looks? I love that!
What isn’t there to love about this photo? One happy groom, who knows he is a really lucky man and thankful for it too. Beautiful photo by Anna Gazda.
I know there is not much inherently beautiful about a basket full of parasols, but I love this shot of them! I think it takes a great eye to make them look pretty! Photo by Ruth Blamire Brown.
I spy with my little eye. I just love this image again by Ruth Blamire Brown.
Because I’m ever so juvenile, I really like this photo. Captured by Rebecca Louise.
Absolutely love this photo of gorgeous Canadian elopers Ashley and Chad, literally on the run! Photo by Pedro Bellido.
Well, someone is well and truly engrossed. Love it! Photo by Agata Jensen.
This photo by Andreas Holm of the brides says everything and more. Beautiful, connected and real.
This is me. 100% Me. Photo by Agata Jensen.
Simplicity and honesty awesomely captured by Miki Barlok.
When a couple are so happy that they have to spin each other around with excitement. Beautifully captured by Albert Pamies.
I love that this looks like a quintessential English garden on a quintessentially English day, but it is actually slap bang on the Costa de Sol, in southern Spain. Photo by Helen Abraham.
So, it started to rain and a parasol was quickly put up to shelter the bride. But this sweet flowergirl’s face says it all! Photo by Soody Ahmed.
My wedding, my rules. And in this case Superman rules! Love this photo by video4events.
I love that this photo captures the tunes on play during the pre-wedding preparations. Photo by Ruth Blamire Brown.
Just love it. Photo by Agata Jensen.
How can you capture love when it isn’t a tangible thing? Like this, that’s how! Photo by Eloy Muñoz.
There is too much cuteness in this photo, that’s all. Shot by video4events.
I didn’t even remember doing this until I saw this photo. But I love it. High fives all round, please! Photo by Helen Abraham.
Love this! Photo by Pedro Bellido
These classic shots always get me! Photo by Rebecca Louise.
I love the groom’s way of trying to keep it all together, whilst he listens to some awesome vows being read to him. Powerful stuff. Photo by Stephen Pike.
Because everyone needs to be serenaded by goats on their wedding day. Photo by Stephan Colan
Because everyone needs a guest like this at their wedding. Photo by Pedro Bellido.
Just because this shot is so awesome and a fitting note to end on. By Anna Gazda
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little photo round up of 2015. There were so many more photos I could have included, I could have gone on and on, but it would have got ridiculous and I wouldn’t know where to stop. So stopping here is a good place to stop!