I love this time of year. Weddings are few and far between, and so my time is spent meeting with lovely couples to plan their ceremonies, catching up with wedmin and spending quality time writing, researching and planning stuff for my blog and of course, for my ceremonies.
This time of year is also great because my wedding colleagues are also more desk-bound than usual, which means this is the time when my wonderful photographer friends get around to sending through their amazing images and videos to me.
It was so lovely to find this video in my inbox this week. It’s from this amazing wedding that I did last summer, which was probably one of the most most grand, elegant and luxurious weddings I have ever been to. Weddings like this for me, are few and far between, and are by no means the norm (not my norm anyway!).
To be honest, in the past when I have on occasion worked on a wedding like this, the ceremony was not high up on the agenda, and sadly it was seen more as that thing that one does to kick-start the party!
It was so incredible to work with Nadim and Nadia (who I loved already from the mere fact that their name is different by one one letter!) and to know from the outset that no matter how grandiose their wedding was going to be, their ceremony was still going to be one of the most important parts of the day. You can read all about what they did for their ceremony here, it really was very special.
Getting this video from Michel Maraver was not only a lovely surprise but also a lovely reminder of how much heart and soul went into their wedding ceremony. And I think that’s the point that I am trying to make. Your wedding day, isn’t a wedding day without your ceremony. And your ceremony, in my books, is the most important part of the day. It’s where you will bare your heart and declare your love for your love bunny, in front of the people who mean the most to you in the world, and it will set the tone for the rest of your amazing day.

Your ceremony is too special and too important. Make the most of it. Photo by Owen Farrell
A little while back I wrote about my wedding day regret; not having a proper photographer. We were silly stupid to not have a professional photographer document the wonderful day that we had. And when I get to see more and more videos like this too, I really would urge couples to video their weddings as well, especially when you have a ceremony which is so personalised and so special.
With time, you will forget what you said and you will forget how you felt, but videos and photos will bring those emotions back instantly, as this video did for me this week!
So, here’s to capturing those special moments and keeping those beautiful memories alive.