How to have an Merry Etsy Christmas!
With Christmas around the corner (in case you didn’t know!), I wanted to share my best Etsy finds for awesome Christmas gifts for that very special Christmas together. Aw! It could be your first Christmas together since you got engaged, your first Christmas together since you’ve been married or simply just a very special Christmas together, full stop! Whatever Christmas means to you this year and you fancy making it that little bit extra special, then look no further, because I have painstakingly pored over some amazing Etsy Christmas gifts, just for you! But don’t worry, I loved every second of it, although I won’t mention being sick with envy that none of this cool stuff existed when I got married!
But don’t mind me, you jump in and help yourself and see if you find a nice memento for your special Christmas together. Or maybe you’re shopping for a cute gift for the cutest pair of newlyweds/couple that you know! Whoever you are and whatever you’re looking for, my gift list has got something for every type of couple out there! Enjoy!
1. Star wars frame
That moment in Star Wars when Princess Leia and Hans Solo deliver the best dialogue in the WHOLE film. Under attack and having to go their separate ways to fight the enemy, Princess Leia turns to Hans and says, ‘I love you,’ and Hans replies, ‘I know.’ Oh my days. The best. And now to see it in its own frame with personalised lego characters. Yes, please! And even, if you’re not the biggest Star Wars fan, those five words are still incredibly powerful.
2. Personalised Christmas bauble
Such a sweet idea. Your own personalised Christmas bauble for the tree. Can’t say more than that really.
3. Christmas couples sweaters
Because EVERY couple needs matching Christmas jumpers. FACT!
4. Couples travel journal
I can’t think of a nicer way for couples to document their past and future travels together. Creating an awesome hardcopy scrapbook of where you’ve been and where you’re going. Beautiful. A great gift for those of you who loved the film ‘Up,’ and always liked the idea of a real, actual life-affirming document.
5. First married Christmas fairy lights in a bottle
If this is your first married Christmas together give yourself a big high-five and buy something nice to celebrate it. Glass, fairy lights, prettiness in a bottle, what else do you need to brighten up your first Christmas together?
6. Personalised Xmas bauble
This bauble represents everything that I love about Esty. The fact that you can find so much creativity and artistry under one roof! Hand ups who wants a bauble with their faces painted on to it? Me, for one!
7. Personalised Couples mugs
You know, for those moments when you’re standing together lovingly drinking your tea/coffee and you want to clink together your cute little mugs that show the two of you in cartoon form. You know, those moments!
8. Couples initials rose gold bracelet
I couldn’t make Christmas list without including some bling for those who like a bit of jewellery. This is a sweet and lowkey way of showing your love, for those who like to be sweet and lowkey at the same time.
9. Personalised song lyric frame
We’ve all got OUR song right? That special song between the two of you that gives you all the feels. Then why not have that song’s lyrics immortalised in a beautiful wooden frame like this? You can hang it somewhere special and have this permanent reminder of what the words mean to you and how it defines you as a couple. Love it.
10. Christmas wine label
Of course, I had to include something for the wine lovers – a personalised label to stick on a special bottle of wine. Boy, I would have the time of my life coming up with the text to go on this bottle! What about you?
11. Personalised chopping board
For those whom the kitchen is the heart of the home and meals are the fuel of your love, why not get this awesome personalised chopping board? You can literally cut onions and weep with joy!
12. Heart map frame
Just beautiful! Such a fabulous gift, especially for those whose love has taking them all over the place, so what a nice way to commemorate that.
13. Matching long sleeve t-shirts
You may prefer this long sleeve t-shirt to a full on jumper. It can make a great pyjama top and if it’s something that you prefer to not actually leave the house in (no shame here), then I think this could be the one.
14. Pebble wall art
For the art lovers out there, I think this would make a really stunning Christmas gift. I mean how beautiful is it? And just think about the symbolism of the stones themselves, a natural resource that has been a part of this world for time immemorial, it really makes this gift not only a beautiful one but a hugely symbolic one too.
15. Christmas couple coffee art
Modern, minimal, no fuss artwork, but still personal to you both, as the couple you are. Can you see this hanging up in your kitchen?
16. Personalised aprons
Food lovers and kitchen dwellers, come and get your personalised aprons and cause an argument in the kitchen – just kidding!
17. Penguin candle holder
A simple, yet sensual and loving way to show your love and commitment at Christmas, with your own gorgeous personalised candle holder and scented candle.
18. Couple portrait
Sticking with the art theme, I’ve got to say how much I love this print. You and your love bunny in a pretty frame. It’s a nice alternative to an actual photo of yourselves and a great way to funk up the gift giving.
19. Avocado key rings
Because they’re avocado key rings, of course and love is like finding your perfect avocado. Hard to find, but you know when you’ve found it, usually after giving it a good squeeze!
20. Classy Christmas jumpers
I’m adding these jumpers to show that Christmas jumpers don’t just have to be tacky and a bit kitsch, (hey don’t get me wrong, I LOVE tacky and kitsch!) but not everyone does. So for your classy, cool, twinning look, I’m really liking this pair of sophisticated sweaters.
And that’s my twenty, people. What’s your favourite? Do let me know in the comments below, I’m intrigued. I can’t even narrow it down to below 10! And if you’d like to see what other gift ideas and presents you can get on Etsy, beyond my random selection, visit Etsy for their full amazing array.
Happy holidays to you all, my beautiful Engaged and Ready readers. x
This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and go ahead and make a purchase I get a teeny teeny weeny microscopic commission from Etsy. I am a huge fan and regular purchaser of Etsy products, so all goods listed here are products that I value and would purchase myself.